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Superplay Ltd.’s Infraction Terms

Dear Player,

We at Superplay do our best to provide our player with the best game experience, by creating a fun, friendly and welcoming environment for our players in each of our games. In order to keep your enjoyment of our games and services, and to help you understand what is appropriate and what is not when playing our games and using our services, we provide you with the following non-exhaustive list of game violations (the list makes an inherent part of Superplay Terms of Service as appears in Superplay website), which are examples of abusive or disrespectful behaviour that we at Superplay do not endorse. If any player is involved in any of the below activities, it may result in termination of the player’s account and prohibit the player from using the game and our services.

· Misconduct includes the following improper behaviours:

Posting full names of users without their consent.

Impersonating a Moderator/Admin – Pretending to be someone else by posting their name.

Behaviour/Language – Malicious behaviour or use of defamatory language towards other players (either by using the Communication Channels (as defined in our Terms of Service) or otherwise) or Superplay representatives.

Imposter – Playing under a third person account or under a different individual account and identifying oneself under the name of that third person.

Harassment includes irritation or torment of another player or of any Superplay representative as follows:

·       Annoying (bullying, trolling, bothering) – Deliberate pestering of players within the game and creating negative environment for an opponent via various "cheap" tactics.

·       Posting Personal/Account Information of another player or of yourself – The posted account will be banned permanently and an email will be sent to the owner of the account explaining such issue. If the owner of the account can verify ownership and that such post want not published by him/her, the ban will be lifted. This ban is meant for security measures. Posting of personal information includes posting phone numbers, personal web page, home addresses, IP addresses, or other personal information of the player or others.

·       Racism/Hate Mongering – Using political beliefs or passions of any kind to express hatred of another player or of any Superplay representative.

·       Heavy or Explicit Sexual Language

·       Stalking – Unwanted or obsessive attention by a player or group of players toward an individual in game.

Trading / Selling / Scamming/Spamming:

·       Scamming – Fraudulent behaviour to make a quick profit.

·       Spamming – Sending unsolicited messages to other players, especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly, with the same content, to Superplay customer service teams or through Superplay’s Communication Cannels (as defined in our Terms of Service).

·       Promotion of Scam Activities – To help or encourage fraudulent behaviour to make a quick profit.

·       Trading / Selling Accounts – Exchange or transfer of accounts for Credit(s) (as defined in our Terms of Service).

·       Ad Promoting – To help or encourage the advancement of hack sites or inappropriate sites.

·       Benefit Hacking – Taking advantage of a hacker’s exploit.

·       Abusing Bugs/Glitches – Using the flaw(s) in the game for personal gain, chargeback dispute exploit, refund exploit.

·       Making use of hacks – Actual use or distribution of the hack.

·       Botting – Automated actions created to exploit game or mislead players.

·       Hack Related Chat – Providing/Requesting hack information.

·       Hacking – To circumvent security and break into the game. All hacking will result in a permanent ban of the account.

NOTE: A user that is unaware of these violations may still be subject to termination of his/her account. This list of violations and applicable consequences is incorporated into and expressly made a part of our Terms of Service.

Thank you for respecting and following our rules.

Superplay Ltd.